Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lyric Nazi

My mom says I am the lyric Nazi and finally have decided to agree with her. I just cannot enjoy music without picking the lyrics to death. Take for example, Kris Allen's, "Live Like We're Dying."

Let me preface this by saying I really like this song. The melody is catchy and the message is uplifting. That being said, the lyrics drive me insane. For the entire first verse and for half of the second Kris Allen says "we" when singing about the events in the song. So, after seven lines of "we" he suddenly switches to "you" with the line, "so if your life flashed before you..." Drives me nuts! Lemme put the lyrics here in case anyone hasn't heard this song.

Verse 2
Our hearts are hungry for a food that won't come
And we could make a feast from these crumbs
And we're all staring down the barrel of a gun
So if your life flashed before you,
What would you wish you would've done

Tell me that doesn't make you nuts? Wouldn't it be better to say, "so if our lives flashed before us, what would we wished we would've done?" Or if he has to say "you" he should start the you with the whole gun in the face imaginary (i.e.) "If you were staring down the barrel of a gun and your life flashed before you..." etc.

He does this again in the third verse. He says "if your plane fell out of the skies" and then finishes by saying, "so when we long absolution, they'll be no one on the line."

Makes me nuts, I tell you! Nuts!

As for the refrain, every site says something different so I'll refrain from commenting on those lyrics :)

Still, I like the song!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

David Guetta, you fail...

Anyone here familiar with the song, Sexy Bitch?

In the refrain he says,
"I'm tryna find the words to describe this girl without being disrespectful."

And what does he come up with? "Damn, you's a sexy bitch."
Wow, way to go pal. No disrespect there.

Then again, I can see where the guy is coming from. I mean, English is such a limited and constrictive language. I don't think I could describe Johnny Depp without using at least two swear words and mentioning his ass.

I mean, "sexy bitch." Wow, that says it all. No reason to describe the girl or say anything about her appearance. It's just like in fairy tales! "The handsome prince swept the beautiful princess off her feet." Except now it's the "the horny singer wanted to rub his butt against the sexy bitch."


And when he does describe her, he says, "she's nothing like a girl you've ever seen before. Nothing you can compare to your neighborhood hoe."

Disregarding the fact that those sentences are horrendously incorrect, saying she's not like a hoe isn't exactly a compliment. (And just what exactly is a hoe? Is it a prostitute or just a lose woman?)

You know, it wouldn't be so annoying if he didn't say he was intentionally trying to be respectful. So we have to assume, either there is no respectful way to describe this girl or that the singer just has no clue how to be respectful. Either way, David Guetta, you fail.